It’s Norman!
Welcome to the “cyber-home” of all things Norman, as a work in progress you’ll find ways to become a collector of a Korpi, or enjoy or be inspired by one of the many series in progress. Ill be adding all manners of my journey from A/STAND’s, Designs, Filmmaking, Baking, adventures in the real world and sometimes The Real World ! I’ll be doing my best to share parts of my past and future. There are buttons to contact me or links to social media read some odds stuff and feast on small part of the artwork I have created.

New Size and Pricing for Series 27 Trees of Industry
Single Bag Icon 2022 Commissions
Seeds Work
An Affordable way to start your Korpi Collection. $275.00. These little 9 x 12 in. Mix Media on Canvas Board can be used as future investments and placements for other Series of works.